Content development footprints for the establishment of a National Bioethics Committee: lessons from Nigeria

Glob Bioeth. 2021 Jun 11;32(1):85-99. doi: 10.1080/11287462.2021.1939548.


Nigeria is experiencing, together with the rest of the world, consequences of relentlessly accelerating technological developments, in the contexts of relative lagging of developments in the Humanities, new discoveries in sciences and technological innovations, advances in medicine, changes in government policies and norms, rapid changes in the society, unhealthy practices in the area of food and agriculture, degradation of the environment as well as climate change. Furthermore, Nigeria as a Member State of UNESCO Bioethics is expected to have a National Bioethics Committee to enhance her participation in global concerns, as well as increase her opportunities to tap into global Bioethics resources. For this Committee to be established, the National Bioethics Framework and Policy Documents must be put in place. This paper discusses the rigorous process of developing the National Bioethics Framework and the National Bioethics Policy Documents as well as the need for a National Bioethics Committee in Nigeria.

Keywords: Bioethics; National Bioethics Committee; National Bioethics Framework; National Bioethics Policy; Nigeria; UNESCO.

Grants and funding

This work was supported by Federal Government of Nigeria: [Grant Number ERGP30102140].