Isolating air pollution sources in a complex transportation environment to quantify their contribution is challenging, particularly with sparse stationary measurements. Mobile measurements can add finer spatial resolution to support source apportionment, but they exhibit limitations when characterizing long term concentrations. Dispersion models can help overcome these limitations. However, they are only as reliable as their input emissions inventories. Herein, we developed an innovative method to revise emissions through inverse modeling and improve dispersion modeling predictions using stationary/mobile measurements. One specific revision estimated an adjustment factor of ~306 for warehouse emissions, indicating a significant underestimation of our initial estimates. This revised emission rate scaled up nationally would correspond to ~3.5% of the total Black Carbon emissions in the U.S. Nevertheless, domain-specific revisions only contribute to a 4% increase of area source emissions while improving R2 from monthly estimates at fixed sites by 38%. After revising emissions through inverse dispersion modeling, we combine this model with stationary/mobile measurements through Bayesian Maximum Entropy (I-DISP BME) to produce temporally coarse yet spatially fine data fusion. We compare this novel data fusion approach to BME using only measurements (Flat BME). A 10-fold conventional cross-validation (representative of months with mobile measurements) shows that all BME methods have R2 values that range from 0.787 to 0.798. A 2-fold cross-validation (representative of months with no mobile measurements) shows that the R2 for I-DISP BME increases by a factor 90 when compared to Flat BME. Furthermore, not only is our novel I-DISP BME method more accurate than the classic Flat BME method, but the area it detects as highly exposed can be up to 5 times larger than that detected by the less accurate Flat BME method.
Keywords: Black Carbon; Community-scale air quality assessment; Fine-scale dispersion modeling; Geospatial data fusion; Inverse modeling; Railyard emissions; Warehouse emissions.
Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier B.V.