Assistance in dying across borders: How the transnational circulations of persons, terms and themes influence the construction of a public problem

Death Stud. 2022;46(7):1557-1568. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2021.1926632. Epub 2021 Jun 4.


Assistance in dying has become a transnational issue debated and lawfully practiced in several jurisdictions around the world. This article focuses on persons, terms and themes that circulate from one context authorizing assistance in dying to another. Building on Joseph Gusfield's concepts of judgment, ownership and responsibility, we explore how national debates on assistance in dying draw on transnational circulations which are instrumental in the construction of this issue as a public problem. Adopting a transnational lens shows that local public problems of assistance in dying should not be apprehended in isolation nor compared as independent contexts.