Objective: to investigate the biological activities of interest to the health of Jatropha multifida plant species in published scientific literature.
Methods: this is an integrative review, with searches between May and June 2019, using the descriptors, combined through the Boolean operator AND, Jatropha multifida, anti-infective agents, wound healing, cytotoxicity and antioxidants, in LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE, SciFinder, Web of Science and Scopus databases and in the virtual libraries SciELO and ScienceDirect.
Results: twelve publications were retrieved that showed nine biological activities. The antioxidant activity was reported in 04 (33.33%) studies; antimicrobial and anticancer, addressed by 03 (25%) and 02 (16.66%); anti-inflammatory, anti-melanin deposition, healing, antiophidic, purgative and anti-influenza, seen in 01 (8.33%) each.
Final considerations: although scarce, the published scientific production highlights the biological potential of J. multifida and supports the need for further studies.