Circulation tumor cells (CTCs) play an important role in metastasis and highly correlate with cancer progression; thus, CTCs could be considered as a powerful diagnosis tool. Our previous studies showed that the number of CTCs could be utilized for recurrence prediction in colorectal cancer (CRC); however, the odds ratio was still lower than five. To improve prognosis in CRC patients, we analyzed CTC clusters/microemboli, CTC numbers, and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)/carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) levels using a self-assembled cell array (SACA) chip system for recurrence prediction. In CRC patients, the presence of CTC clusters/microemboli may have higher correlation in metastasis when compared to the high number of CTCs. Additionally, when both the number of CTCs and serum CEA levels are high, very high odds ratios of 24.4 and 17.1 are observed in patients at all stages and stage III of CRC, respectively. The high number of CTCs and CTC clusters/microemboli simultaneously suggests the high chance of relapse (odds ratio 8.4). Overall, the characteristic of CTC clusters/microemboli, CEA level, and CTC number have a clinical potential to enhance CRC prognosis.
Keywords: CTC clusters; circulating tumor cell (CTC); circulating tumor microemboli (CTM); colorectal cancer (CRC); liquid biopsy; prognostic analysis.