This study validates the antidiabetic efficacy of Enantia chlorantha stem bark and the possible therapeutic implications of the co-administration of lisinopril and E. chlorantha in type 2 diabetic rats. E. chlorantha stem bark was extracted by cold maceration. The inhibitory effect of the plant on carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes and its antioxidative potentials were assessed in vitro. The extract exhibited α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities and also showed antioxidative properties in vitro. Administration of the extract normalized fasting hyperglycemia in vivo by showing 47.24 % reduction in blood glucose levels relative to untreated diabetic rats. Co-administration of E. chlorantha and lisinopril restored serum glucose and serum lipid profile levels. E. chlorantha stem bark displayed antidiabetic potentials as compared with a standard antidiabetic drug (metformin). The study also showed that the plant contained some bioactive compounds which we hypothesize might be responsible for the observed activities. Co-administration of the plant with lisinopril conferred no significant therapeutic advantage on the serum glucose level and lipid profile.