16 cases of intestinal perforation following blunt abdominal trauma in children (14 boys and 2 girls from 3, 5 to 15 years old) are recorded in a 18 years period. We found 12 injuries of the small bowel, 2 of the colon and 2 of the duodenum. Except in the cases with hypovolemia or traumatic coma, the diagnosis is often made on abdominal physical findings and clinical evolution. Laboratory and radiological data were often useless. Then, surgical management was often delayed, principally in the most recent period with the non operative management of most pediatric blunt trauma. Simple closure (7 cases), resection and anastomosis (7 cases) or resection and double ostomy (2 cases) were performed. The result summarize 2 death and one complication (fistula). Complications do not increase with delay.