BACKGROUND Imaging-based quantitative assessment of lung lesions plays a key role in patient triage and therapeutic decision-making processes. The aim of our study was to validate the Total Severity Score (TSS), Chest Computed Tomography Score (CT-S), and Chest CT Severity Score (CT-SS) scales, which were used to assess the extent of lung inflammation in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection in terms of interobserver agreement and the correlation of scores with patient clinical condition on the day of the study. MATERIAL AND METHODS A total of 77 chest CT scans collected from 77 consecutive patients hospitalized because of SARS-CoV-2 were included. The scans were assessed independently by 2 radiologists aware of the patients' positive results of RT-PCR tests. Each chest CT was assessed according to the 3 scales. To assess the interobserver agreement of CT scan assessments, Cohen's k and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated. RESULTS For the overall assessment, the k was 0.944 and the ICC was 0.948 for the TSS; the kappa was 0.909 and the ICC was 0.919 for the CT-S; and the k was 0.888 and the ICC was 0.899 for the CT-SS. The CT-SS (r=0.627 for Radiologist 1 and r=0.653 for Radiologist 2) revealed the strongest positive correlation with the patient clinical condition as expressed using the Modified Early Warning Score. CONCLUSIONS The interobserver agreement for the 3 evaluated scales was very good. The CT-SS was found to have the strongest positive relationship with the Modified Early Warning Score.