Simulations and Experimental Verifications of an Algorithm for Radiation Source Mapping and Navigational Path Generation

Health Phys. 2021 Jun 1;120(6):648-660. doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001392.


Accurate and efficient mapping and localization of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation sources are important across many different fields. As such, a versatile mapping and navigational path generation algorithm, which can be applied to any point source measurements that follow an inverse-square characteristic, was developed using non-linear least squares methods. Forty thousand simulations were performed on the algorithm, which located sources successfully in a 10 m × 10 m × 10 m three-dimensional space with a success rate of over 80% across different noise functions, given a proportional constant of 10 to 1,000. The algorithm was also verified experimentally with small-scale radioactive decontamination of a 70 cm × 70 cm surface and localization of a lost Wi-Fi router in a 70 m × 70 m open field. One hundred twenty-one measurements were taken from each experiment, which were then fed into the algorithm for navigation. For the radioactive 137Cs source, the estimated locations were within 7 cm × 7 cm of the answer in 79.3% of the scenarios, while the Wi-Fi router was located to within 7 m × 7 m in 57.9% of the tests. In general, the method requires much less information and data than a geographically comprehensive survey and thus shows a lot of potential for practical applications, such as lost source retrieval with unmanned aerial vehicles, small-scale decontamination, mapping undocumented Wi-Fi routers or radio towers, and radiation simulation with radio signals. Different failure modes, desirable features, and potential improvements were also identified but remain as future work.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Algorithms*
  • Cesium Radioisotopes*
  • Unmanned Aerial Devices


  • Cesium Radioisotopes
  • Cesium-137