Listeria monocytogenes sequence type 1247 clonal complex 8 caused a prolonged multicountry outbreak in five EU countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, and Sweden. A total of 22 disease cases were identified with onset of symptoms between July 2014 and February 2019. Five patients died due to, or with, the disease. The retrospective analysis of L. monocytogenes isolate VLTRLM2013 revealed the presence of an outbreak-related strain (cgMLST type L2-SL8-ST1247-CT4158) in ready-to-eat fish product more than a year prior to the first outbreak-related cases. Reference outbreak strain and VLTRLM2013 strain were compared using core genome and whole-genome multilocus sequence typing analyses. Genomic level differences of the persistent L. monocytogenes strains associated with a prolonged multicountry foodborne listeriosis outbreak are described. It was concluded that the persistent nature of the multicountry outbreak-related L. monocytogenes strain VLTRLM2013 together with stress island, virulence, and antibiotic resistance genes could potentially be the determining factors for the extensive and prolonged outbreak affecting five European Union countries. Our results support the systematic application of whole-genome sequencing in food and public health surveillance and further encourages its wide adoption.
Copyright © 2021 Mihkel Mäesaar et al.