There is a national call to improve healthcare access for underserved populations by preparing BSN students to practice at the full scope of their license in community-based, integrated primary care settings upon graduation. In response to this call, a robust academic-practice partnership-using interprofessional education and practice and primary care and leadership development- is preparing BSN students to practice in community-based integrated primary care settings where culturally diverse rural and urban underserved populations receive care. In this article, academic-practice partners describe the implementation, lessons learned, and initial outcomes of a grant-funded program that is transforming nursing education and practice. All partners viewed communication, collaboration, and flexibility as key to a successful partnership. Our work serves as a template to help others shift nursing culture to create a sustainable RN workforce prepared to improve the health and wellbeing of underserved populations.
Keywords: Culture; Curriculum redesign; Primary care; Rural underserved populations; Urban underserved populations.
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