This paper presents a comprehensive review of the research studies in volatolomics performed on animals so far. At first, the procedures proposed for the collection, preconcentration, and storing of the volatile organic compounds emitted by various biological samples of different animals are presented and discussed. Next, the results obtained in the analysis of the collected volatile samples with analytical equipment are shown. The possible volatile biomarkers identified for various diseases are highlighted for different types of diseases, animal species, and biological samples analyzed. The chemical classes of these compounds, as well as the biomarkers found in a higher number of animal diseases, are indicated, and their possible origin is analyzed. The studies that dealt with the diagnosis of various diseases from sample measurement with electronic nose systems are also presented and discussed. The paper ends with a final remark regarding the necessity of optimization and standardization of sample collection and analysis procedures for obtaining meaningful results.
Keywords: animals; biomarkers; electronic nose; volatolomics.
© 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH.