Engagement and Workplace Satisfaction of Emergency Medicine Faculty in the United States

AEM Educ Train. 2020 Jun 2;5(2):e10474. doi: 10.1002/aet2.10474. eCollection 2021 Apr.


Objectives: The objective was to determine the drivers of workplace satisfaction and attrition for emergency medicine (EM) faculty in U.S. medical schools.

Methods: Dimensions of workplace satisfaction measured in the Association of American Medical Colleges StandPoint Faculty Engagement Survey from 36 U.S. Liaison Committee on Medical Accreditation-accredited medical schools were analyzed by multiple regression analysis to determine the factors associated with overall workplace satisfaction and intention to leave. These were compared to faculty from non-EM clinical departments.

Results: In total, 737 EM faculty (response rate 66%) completed the survey. Over 50% of EM faculty are less than 45 years old, of junior rank, and on a nontenure track, different than non-EM colleagues. Overall satisfaction with one's department as a place to work was 76% and one's medical school as a place to work was 69%, similar to other clinical faculty. Overall satisfaction is 87% for EM faculty with a formal mentor compared to 68% for those who do not. One's nature of work, departmental governance, collegiality and collaboration, and the clinical practice environment are significant factors in overall workplace satisfaction. EM faculty spend significantly more time on teaching and administrative tasks and less time on research than non-EM faculty. Overall functioning of the ED and ability to provide high-quality care in their practice environment is lower for EM than non-EM faculty. Survey dimensions were poor predictors of intention to leave.

Conclusions: Overall EM faculty have high workplace satisfaction similar to other specialties. Ensuring strong departmental leadership, improving the clinical practice environment, and increasing access to a formal mentor may be effective strategies to improve workplace satisfaction for EM faculty.