Using Coefficient to Distinguish Ambient/Focal Visual Attention During Cartographic Tasks

J Eye Mov Res. 2017 Apr 3;10(2):10.16910/jemr.10.2.3. doi: 10.16910/jemr.10.2.3.


We demonstrate the use of the ambient/focal coefficient Κ for studying the dynamics of visual behavior when performing cartographic tasks. Participants viewed a cartographic map and satellite image of Barcelona while performing a number of map-related tasks. Cartographic maps can be viewed as summary representations of reality, while satellite images are typically more veridical, and contain considerably more information. Our analysis of traditional eye movement metrics suggests that the satellite representation facilitates longer fixation durations, requiring greater scrutiny of the map. The cartographic map affords greater peripheral scanning, as evidenced by larger saccade amplitudes. Evaluation of Κ elucidates task dependence of ambient/focal attention dynamics when working with geographic visualizations: localization progresses from ambient to focal attention; route planning fluctuates in an ambient-focalambient pattern characteristic of the three stages of route end point localization, route following, and route confirmation.

Keywords: cartography; ambient/focal attention; coefficient Κ; route planning; visual search.