Radioactivity of soil in Croatia II: 137Cs, 40K, and absorbed dose rate

Arh Hig Rada Toksikol. 2021 Mar 30;72(1):15-22. doi: 10.2478/aiht-2021-72-3440. Print 2021 Mar 1.


We took samples of uncultivated soil from the surface layer (0-10 cm) at 138 sites from all over Croatia and measured their radionuclide activity concentrations with high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry. This second part of our report brings the results on 40K and 137Cs to complement those on the 232Th and 238U decay chains addressed in the first part. Together they give the most complete picture of radioactivity of Croatian soil so far. Activity concentrations of 40K were the highest in the Pannonian region, and there was an opposite trend for 137Cs. We found that the concentrations of 137Cs tended to increase with altitude, annual precipitation, and vegetation density. The concentration ratio of 137Cs and K in soil, which indicates the potential for 137Cs entering food chains via uptake by plants, was the lowest in agriculturally important areas in the east of the Pannonian region. In addition, we used the obtained results on activity concentrations to calculate the related absorbed dose rate as a measure of external exposure to ionising radiation from soil. The sum of the absorbed dose rates for naturally occurring radionuclides and 137Cs showed that external exposure was generally the highest in the Dinaric region and Istrian Peninsula.

Uzorkovali smo površinski sloj (0–10 cm) nekultiviranog tla na 138 mjesta diljem Hrvatske i mjerili koncentracije aktivnosti radionuklida u prikupljenim uzorcima visokorezolucijskom gamaspektrometrijom. U ovom radu, koji je drugi dio naše dvodijelne prezentacije, fokus je na 40K, 137Cs i brzini apsorbirane doze zbog prisutnosti radionuklida u tlu. Ti rezultati dopunjuju one vezane uz 232Th i 238U lance raspada, što vodi do dosad najcjelovitije slike radioaktivnosti tla u Hrvatskoj. Koncentracije aktivnosti 40K bile su najviše u hrvatskom panonskom području, a trend za 137Cs bio je suprotan. Našli smo da su koncentracije 137Cs pokazivale tendenciju porasta s nadmorskom visinom, količinom oborine i gustoćom vegetacije. Omjer koncentracija 137Cs i Ku tlu, a koji predstavlja potencijal za ulaz 137Cs u hranidbene lance apsorpcijom putem biljaka, bio je najmanji na istoku panonskoga područja gdje se nalaze poljoprivredno važne površine. Rezultate za koncentracije aktivnosti iskoristili smo za izračun posljedične brzine apsorbirane doze kao mjere vanjske izloženosti ionizirajućem zračenju iz tla. Zbroj brzina apsorbirane doze za prirodnopojavne radionuklide i 137Cs pokazao je da je vanjska izloženost općenito bila najveća u dinarskom području i na istarskom poluotoku.

Keywords: gamma radiation; high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry; radioecology; representative radionuclides.

MeSH terms

  • Cesium Radioisotopes / analysis
  • Croatia
  • Radiation Monitoring*
  • Radioactivity*
  • Soil
  • Soil Pollutants, Radioactive* / analysis


  • Cesium Radioisotopes
  • Soil
  • Soil Pollutants, Radioactive
  • Cesium-137