Micro and nanofabrication technologies are integral to the development of miniaturized systems. Lithography plays a key role in micro and nanofabrication techniques. Since high functional miniaturized systems are required in various fields, such as the development of a semiconductor, chemical and biological analysis, and biomedical researches, lithography techniques have been developed and applied for their appropriate purpose. Lithography can be classified into conventional and unconventional lithography, or top-down and bottom-up, or with mask and mask-less approaches. In this chapter, various lithography techniques are categorized and classified into conventional and unconventional lithography. In the first part, photolithography, electron beam, and focused-ion beam lithography are introduced as conventional lithography techniques. The second part introduces nanoimprint lithography, deformation lithography, and colloidal lithography as unconventional lithography techniques. In the last part, the pros and cons of each lithography are discussed for an appropriate design of fabrication processes.
Keywords: Colloidal lithography; Deformation lithography; Electron beam lithography; Focused ion beam lithography; Jet and flash imprint lithography; Lithography; Material-based lithography; Nanofabrication; Nanoimprint lithography; Photolithography.