The case of a diver with a history of decompression sickness (DCS) after recreational scuba diving is presented. Cutis marmorata, a subtype of cutaneous DCS, has been consistently associated with the presence of a persistent (patent) foramen ovale (PFO) as a risk factor. Diagnostic uncertainty arose when transthoracic echocardiography with antecubital injection of agitated saline bubbles (ASBs) did not show any significant shunt, but the presence of a large Eustachian valve was counteracted by intra-femoral injection of ASBs, showing a large PFO with spontaneous shunting. The importance of proper echocardiography techniques prior to resorting to intra-femoral injection of ASBs to counteract the haemodynamic effects of the Eustachian valve is emphasised.
Keywords: Bubbles; Decompression illness; Right-to-left shunt.
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