Use of alcohol (EtOH) and nicotine (Nic) typically begins during adolescence. Smoking and drinking often occur together and lead to a higher consumption of alcohol. Although we have shown that Nic+EtOH is reinforcing in self-administration tests in adolescent male rats, whether Nic+EtOH affects other behaviors or neuronal activity in an age-dependent manner is unknown. To address this, adolescent and adult male rats were given intravenous injections of Nic (30 µg/kg)+EtOH (4 mg/kg) and evaluated for locomotor and anxiety-like behaviors. Regional neuronal activity, assessed by cFos mRNA expression, was measured and used to evaluate functional connectivity in limbic regions associated with anxiety and motivation. Nic+EtOH increased locomotor activity and was anxiolytic in adolescents, but not adults. The posterior ventral tegmental area (pVTA), a critical regulator of drug reward, was selectively activated by Nic+EtOH in adults, while activity in its target region, the NAc-shell, was decreased. Drug-induced alterations in functional connectivity were more extensive in adults than adolescents and may act to inhibit behavioral responses to Nic+EtOH that are seen in adolescence. Overall, our findings suggest that brief, low-dose exposure to Nic+EtOH produces marked, age-dependent changes in brain and behavior and that there may be an ongoing maturation of the pVTA during adolescence that allows increased sensitivity to Nic+EtOH's reinforcing, hyperlocomotor, and anxiolytic effects. Furthermore, this work provides a potential mechanism for high rates of co-use of nicotine and alcohol by teenagers: this drug combination is anxiolytic and recruits functional networks that are unique from protective, inhibitory networks recruited in the mature and adult brain.
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