The effects of base-in (BI) and base-out (BO) prism upon performance of four occupational-like tasks were measured on a group of 10 subjects who had normal binocular vision. Performance on tasks which required depth perception was significantly poorer when subjects wore prism glasses with 8 and 12 delta BI and BO, whereas 4 delta BI and BO did not significantly affect performance. The performance decrements with prism (3.0 to 6.7%) were considerably less than those induced by denial of binocularity (20 to 30%) as measured in a previous study. Thus, vergence-inducing prism does impair task performance but not as much as does the denial of binocularity. The reading and counting tasks did not require critical depth judgement and were much less affected by the prism than the needle-threading and pointers-and-straws tasks.