Surface plasmon resonance-based biosensors have been extensively applied to the characterization of the binding kinetics between purified (bio)molecules, thanks to robust data analysis techniques. However, data analysis for solutions containing multiple interactants is still at its infancy. We here present two algorithms for (1) the reliable and accurate determination of the kinetic parameters of N interactants present at different ratios in N mixtures and (2) the estimation of the ratios of each interactant in a given mixture, assuming that their kinetic parameters are known. Both algorithms assume that the interactants compete to bind to an immobilized ligand in a 1:1 fashion and necessitate prior knowledge of the total concentration of all interactants combined. The effectiveness of these two algorithms was experimentally validated with a model system corresponding to mixtures of four small molecular weight drugs binding to an immobilized protein. This approach enables the in-depth characterization of mixtures using SPR, which may be of considerable interest for many drug discovery or development applications, notably for protein glycovariant analysis.