Early in 2020, government leaders declared a public health emergency because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. After World Health Organization leaders declared that the spread of COVID-19 was a pandemic, it became evident that patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 would present for surgery at our community hospital, the only facility in the county. The Maryland governor charged hospital administrators with expanding bed capacity in anticipation of a surge of critically ill patients. Concurrently, the Maryland secretary of health prohibited all elective procedures. During the early phase of preparation and response, processes, information, and hospital capabilities and capacity changed frequently and rapidly. Effective communication, teamwork, and interprofessional and interdepartmental collaboration helped us prepare to deliver safe surgical care to patients during the pandemic and maintain safety for all involved. This article describes our health care facility's response to the pandemic and lessons learned during the process.
Keywords: aerosol box; airborne precautions; community hospital; coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); pandemic.
© AORN, Inc, 2021.