Protein localization in endothelial cells is tightly regulated to create distinct signaling domains within their tight spatial restrictions including luminal membranes, abluminal membranes, and interendothelial junctions, as well as caveolae and calcium signaling domains. Protein localization in endothelial cells is also determined in part by the vascular bed, with differences between arteries and veins and between large and small arteries. Specific protein polarity and localization is essential for endothelial cells in responding to various extracellular stimuli. In this review, we examine protein localization in the endothelium of resistance arteries, with occasional references to other vessels for contrast, and how that polarization contributes to endothelial function and ultimately whole organism physiology. We highlight the protein localization on the luminal surface, discussing important physiological receptors and the glycocalyx. The protein polarization to the abluminal membrane is especially unique in small resistance arteries with the presence of the myoendothelial junction, a signaling microdomain that regulates vasodilation, feedback to smooth muscle cells, and ultimately total peripheral resistance. We also discuss the interendothelial junction, where tight junctions, adherens junctions, and gap junctions all convene and regulate endothelial function. Finally, we address planar cell polarity, or axial polarity, and how this is regulated by mechanosensory signals like blood flow.
Keywords: Arteriole; Endothelium; Protein localization; Signaling domains.
© 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel.