Background: Technological advances and greater availability of magnetic resonance imaging have prompted an increment on incidental and unexpected findings within the central nervous system. The concept of radiologically isolated syndrome characterizes a group of subjects with images suggestive of demyelinating disease in the absence of a clinical episode compatible with multiple sclerosis. Since the description of this entity, many questions have arisen; some have received responses but others remain unanswered. A panel of experts met with the objective of performing a critical review of the currently available evidence. Definition, prevalence, biological bases, published evidence, and implications on patient management were reviewed. Thirty to 50% of subjects with radiologically isolated syndrome will progress to multiple sclerosis in 5 years. Male sex, age < 37 years old, and spinal lesions increase the risk. These subjects should be evaluated by a multiple sclerosis specialist, carefully excluding alternative diagnosis. An initial evaluation should include a brain and complete spine magnetic resonance, visual evoked potentials, and identification of oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid. Disease-modifying therapies could be considered when oligoclonal bands or radiological progression is present.
Conclusion: At present time, radiologically isolated syndrome cannot be considered a part of the multiple sclerosis spectrum. However, a proportion of patients may evolve to multiple sclerosis, meaning it represents much more than just a radiological finding.
Keywords: Biomarkers; Magnetic resonance imaging; Multiple sclerosis; Oligoclonal bands; Radiologically isolated syndrome.