Phosphorylation is one of the most dynamic and widespread post-translational modifications regulating virtually every aspect of eukaryotic cell biology. Here, we assemble a dataset from 75 independent phosphoproteomic experiments performed in our laboratory using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We report 30,902 phosphosites identified from cells cultured in a range of DNA damage conditions and/or arrested in distinct cell cycle stages. To generate a comprehensive resource for the budding yeast community, we aggregate our dataset with the Saccharomyces Genome Database and another recently published study, resulting in over 46,000 budding yeast phosphosites. With the goal of enhancing the identification of functional phosphorylation events, we perform computational positioning of phosphorylation sites on available 3D protein structures and systematically identify events predicted to regulate protein complex architecture. Results reveal hundreds of phosphorylation sites mapping to or near protein interaction interfaces, many of which result in steric or electrostatic "clashes" predicted to disrupt the interaction. With the advancement of Cryo-EM and the increasing number of available structures, our approach should help drive the functional and spatial exploration of the phosphoproteome.
Keywords: Rad23; TRAPP; budding yeast; phosphorylation; protein-protein interaction.
© 2021 The Authors.