Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) treated with Ibrutinib often present hemorrhagic complications. Platelets dysfunction is well documented by aggregometry and flow cytometry, but the mechanisms by which Ibrutinib treatment influences the platelets status is yet to be evaluated. The aim of this study is to identify platelet membrane parameters in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) that could be altered by Ibrutinib administration. In this paper we propose a set of fluorescence measurements of the following parameters: membrane fluidity, resting membrane potential, and reactive oxygen species production of platelets suspensions obtained from CLL patients treated or not with Ibrutinib as markers for platelets status in this pathological situation. Platelets from CLL patients treated with Ibrutinib have higher membrane fluidity, lower resting membrane potential and higher level of reactive oxygen species production compared to the untreated CLL patients. These patients are also presenting higher membrane fluidity and lower resting membrane potential compared to healthy volunteers.
Keywords: Ibrutinib; ROS; leukemia; membrane potential; platelets.
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