Effective training procedures include behavioral skills training (BST), which involves providing written and verbal instructions, modeling of the skill, rehearsal of the skill, and feedback on the performance. This training typically involves in vivo experience in which trainees and students are exposed to risks such as proximity to infectious disease, behavioral issues such as aggression, and errors in teaching performance. Conducting BST in a virtual reality (VR) context involving virtual individuals with problem behavior may be an effective means of mitigating these risks. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of training students to conduct functional communication training (FCT) in a VR environment using BST. We trained 13 preservice college students to implement FCT for attention and escape functions. We found VR BST was effective at increasing correct steps performed of FCT to mastery criterion levels with all participants. Future researchers should examine generalization and maintenance of VR BST.
Keywords: behavioral skills training; functional communication training; virtual reality; virtual teaching; virtual training.
© 2021 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.