Surgical denervation of the thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) joint is a theoretical surgical option for thumb CMC arthritis. Some authors have described the nerve branches of thumb CMC joint. We present the innervation of the thumb CMC joint (thenar - recurrent - branch of median nerve, palmar branch of median nerve, superficial branch of radial nerve, lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm, deep branch of ulnar nerve) and the surgical techniques to achieve optimal denervation of this joint. While the results have been disappointing, this technique may be combined with conservative surgical procedures (synovectomy, ligament reconstruction) and it allows more invasive surgery in the future if necessary.
Keywords: Anatomie; Anatomy; Articulation trapézo-métacarpienne; CMC joint; Denervation; Dénervation; Pouce; Thumb.
Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.