Uveal melanoma (UM) and conjunctival melanoma (CM) are ocular malignancies that give rise to life-threatening metastases. Although local disease can often be treated successfully, it is often associated with significant vision impairment and treatments are often not effective against metastatic disease. Novel treatment modalities that preserve vision may enable elimination of small tumors and may prevent subsequent metastatic spread. Very few mouse models of metastatic CM and UM are available for research and for development of novel therapies. One of the challenges is to follow tumor growth in-vivo and to determine the right size for treatment, mainly of the posterior, choroidal melanoma. Hence, the purpose of this study was to establish a simple, noninvasive imaging tool that will simplify visualization and tumor follow-up in mouse models of CM and UM. Tumors were induced by inoculation of murine B16LS9 cells into the sub-conjunctival or the choroidal space of a C57BL/6 mouse eye under a surgical microscope. Five to ten days following injection, tumor size was assessed by Phoenix MicronIV™ image-guided Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imaging, which included a real-time camera view and OCT scan of the conjunctiva and the retina. In addition, tumor size was evaluated by ultrasound and histopathological examination of eye sections. Tumor growth was observed 5-9 days following sub-conjunctival or sub-retinal injection of seven-thousand or seventy-thousand cells, respectively. A clear tumor mass was detected at these regions using the MicronIV™ imaging system camera and OCT scans. Histology of eye sections confirmed the presence of tumor tissue. OCT allowed an accurate measurement of tumor size in the UM model and a qualitative assessment of tumor size in the CM model. Moreover, OCT enabled assessing the success rate of the choroidal tumor induction and importantly, predicted final tumor size already on the day of cell inoculation. In conclusion, by using a simple, non-invasive imaging tool, we were able to follow intraocular tumor growth of both CM and UM, and to define, already at the time of cell inoculation, a grading scale to evaluate tumor size. This tool may be utilized for evaluation of new mouse models for CM and UM, as well as for testing new therapies for these diseases.
Keywords: Conjunctival melanoma; Mouse model; OCT; Ocular pathology; Oncology; Uveal melanoma.
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