Decoding the Capability of Lactobacillus plantarum W1 Isolated from Soybean Whey in Producing an Exopolysaccharide

ACS Omega. 2020 Dec 17;5(51):33387-33394. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.0c05256. eCollection 2020 Dec 29.


This study aims at producing exopolysaccharides (EPS) from a lactic acid bacterial strain. The soybean whey-isolated Lactobacillus plantarum W1 (EPS-W1), which belongs to genus Lactobacillus, is identified using the phenylalanyl-tRNA sequencing method. Of all the examined strains, R-49778 (as numbered by BCCM/LMG Bacteria Collection, Ghent University, Belgium) showed the highest capability of producing exopolysaccharides. Structural characterization revealed a novel exopolysaccharide consisting of repeating units of →6)-d-Glcp-(1→; →3)-d-Manp-(1→; →3)-d-Glcp-(1→ and a branch of →6)-d-Manp-(1→; →2)-d-Glcp-(1→. This discovery opens up avenues for the production of EPS for food industries, functional foods, and biomedical applications.