To systematically review the literature regarding the antimicrobial effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on multi-bacterial species in periodontitis and peri-implantitis disease. The addressed focused question was: "Does PDT show antimicrobial efficacy against multi-bacterial species colonization in periodontal pockets and on the surface of dental implants?" Electronic databases including MEDLINE and EMBASE up to and including December 2018 were searched. Of the ninety studied analyzed, seven were included, four for the study of PDT in peri-implantitis disease and three for periodontal disease. All studies reported the multibacterial species outcomes after the application of antimicrobial PDT. All studies showed a significant reduction in the bacterial load, both in studies based on periodontal and peri-implantary disease, with an average reduction of the total amount of bacterial load of 99.3%. Moreover, the change in clinical parameters is equally important, with an average reduction of PPD of 1.01 mm (from 4.92 to 3.49 ± SD with a percentage reduction of 29%); of BoP of 50%; of RCAL of 1.19 mm (from 9.93 to 8.74, with an average percentage reduction of 12%); of PI of 0.3 (from 1 to 0.7 with a percentage reduction of 30%) and of GI of 1.2 (from 1.8 to 0.6 with a percentage reduction of 66.6%). This review demonstrated significant reduction in the bacterial load in periodontal pocket and dental implant surface with the use of PDT. The results of this review should be considered preliminary and further studies with standardized laser parameters are needed to obtain strong conclusions.
Keywords: laser; non-surgical treatment; peri-implantitis; periodontal disease; photodinamic therapy.
Copyright 2020 Biolife Sas.