Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have shown promising properties for removal of chemical warfare agents, in particular for material decontamination and functionalized fabrics. The MOF-properties could also be beneficial for skin decontamination, especially when exposed to highly toxic and low volatile nerve agents. In such exposures, efficient decontamination is crucial for adequate medical management. In the present study, seven zirconium-based MOFs were evaluated for their ability to degrade VX and subsequently tested in vitro for decontamination of VX on human dermatomed skin. Of the MOFs evaluated, MOF-808 showed the greatest ability to degrade VX in an alkaline buffer with complete degradation of VX within 5 min. PCN-777, Zr-NDC and NU-1000 displayed degradation half-lives of approximately 10 min. When including MOF-808 in a skin friendly carrier with slightly acidic pH, a decreased agent degradation rate was observed, requiring over 24 h to reach complete degradation. In skin decontamination experiments, MOF-808 enhanced the efficacy compared to the carrier alone, essentially by improved agent absorption. Adding MOF-808 to Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) did not improve the high effectiveness of RSDL alone. The present study showed that including MOF in skin decontamination lotions could be beneficial. Further studies should include optimizing the particulates and formulations.
Keywords: Decontamination; Degradation; Human skin; Metal organic frameworks; VX.
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