Laboratory automation now commonly allows high-throughput sample preparation, culturing, and acquisition of microscopy images, but quantitative image analysis is often still a painstaking and subjective process. This is a problem especially significant for work on programmed morphogenesis, where the spatial organization of cells and cell types is of paramount importance. To address the challenges of quantitative analysis for such experiments, we have developed TASBE Image Analytics, a software pipeline for automatically segmenting collections of cells using the fluorescence channels of microscopy images. With TASBE Image Analytics, collections of cells can be grouped into spatially disjoint segments, the movement or development of these segments tracked over time, and rich statistical data output in a standardized format for analysis. Processing is readily configurable, rapid, and produces results that closely match hand annotation by humans for all but the smallest and dimmest segments. TASBE Image Analytics can thus provide the analysis necessary to complete the design-build-test-learn cycle for high-throughput experiments in programmed morphogenesis, as validated by our application of this pipeline to process experiments on shape formation with engineered CHO and HEK293 cells.
Keywords: Cell quantification; Fluorescence microscopy; Image processing; Programmed morphogenesis; Software tools.