Objective: To analyze the changing tendency in the endemic situation of schistosomiasis in the national surveillance sites of Hubei Province, so as to provide the scientific evidence for facilitating the progress towards the elimination of schistosomiasis in the province.
Methods: According to the National Schistosomiasis Surveillance Scheme (2014 version), a total of 65 national schistosomiasis surveillance sites were assigned in Hubei Province, and the Schistosoma japonicum infections in humans, domestic animals, snails and wild feces were monitored in these national surveillance sites from 2015 to 2019. All data pertaining to the surveillance results were descriptively analyzed.
Results: There were 151 159 person-time local residents and 70 928 person-time mobile populations screened for S. japonicum infections in the 65 national surveillance sites of Hubei Province from 2015 to 2019, and the seroprevalance of S. japonicum infections reduced from 3.45% (1 077/31 197) in 2015 to 1.57% (431/27 371) in 2019 among local residents and from 1.06% (98/9 249) in 2015 to 0.81% (116/14 318) in 2019 among mobile populations. During the period from 2015 through 2019, there were 22 egg-positive local residents and 2 egg-positive mobile populations identified in 2015, with 0.07% and 0.02% prevalence rates of S. japonicum infections, respectively. During the 5-year period, a total of 7 025 herd-time domestic animals examined for S. japonicum infections, with no infections detected, and a total of 2 035 wild feces were tested, with no egg-positives identified in the 65 national surveillance sites of Hubei Province. Snail survey was conducted covering 28 767.35 hm2 during the 5-year period, and the area of snail habitats ranged from 1 609.82 to 2 119.81 hm2. The mean density of living snails and occurrence of frames with snails reduced from 0.360 5 snails/0.1 m2 and 11.26% in 2015 to 0.175 9 snails/0.1 m2 and 8.43% in 2019, respectively, and no S. japonicum infection was found in snails during the 5-year period. In addition, no snails were found in the potential schistosomiasis transmission foci in the two national surveillance sites in the Three Gorges Dam.
Conclusions: The overall endemic situation of schistosomiasis appears a tendency towards a decline in Hubei Province during the period from 2015 through 2019; however, the schistosomiasis transmission risk remains. Improving the surveillance system of schistosomiasis and increasing the sensitivity and performance of the surveillance system are required to provide insights into the implementation of precision control strategy and interventions in Hubei Province.
[摘要] 目的 分析湖北省国家血吸虫病监测点疫情流行趋势, 为推进全省血吸虫病消除工作提供科学依据。方法 根 据《全国血吸虫病监测方案 (2014年版) 》要求, 在湖北省设立65个国家血吸虫病监测点, 于2015—2019年开展人畜血吸 虫感染、钉螺分布、野粪感染监测, 并对监测结果进行描述性分析。结果 2015—2019年, 湖北省65个国家血吸虫病监 测点累计开展本地居民血吸虫病血清学筛查151 159人·次, 血检阳性率分别由2015年的3.45% (1 077/31 197) 下降至 2019年的1.57% (431/27 371), 仅于2015年发现22例病原学阳性者, 血吸虫感染率为0.07%; 累计开展流动人群血清学筛 查70 928人·次, 血检阳性率由2015年的1.06% (98/9 249) 下降至2019年的0.81% (116/14 318), 仅于2015 年分别发现 2例粪检阳性者, 血吸虫感染率为0.02%。5年在监测点累计检测牛、羊、猪等各类家畜7 025头·次, 未发现血吸虫感染阳 性家畜; 累计检测各类野粪2 035份, 未发现血吸虫阳性。2015—2019年, 65个监测点累计调查各类环境28 767.35 hm2, 逐年有螺面积为1 609.82~2 119.81 hm2, 活螺平均密度和有螺框出现率分别由2015年的0.360 5只/0.1 m2和11.26%下降 至2019年的0.175 9只/0.1 m2和8.43%, 未发现血吸虫感染性钉螺; 5年间, 在2个三峡库区潜在流行区监测点均未发现钉 螺。结论 2015—2019年湖北省血吸虫病疫情总体呈下降趋势, 但传播风险依然存在。需进一步完善血吸虫病监测体 系、提高监测敏感性和水平, 为湖北省精准实施血吸虫病防治策略和措施奠定基础。.
Keywords: Endemic situation; Hubei Province; Schistosomiasis; Surveillance.