Objectives: To assess risk factors and incidence of diabetes complications in women with type 1 diabetes (T1D) based on parity.
Research design/methods: Data were collected from women (16-40 years old) in the T1D Exchange completing pregnancy/childbirth questionnaires during 2011-2013 and 2016-2018. Incidence of risk factors and diabetes complications were compared between women with a first pregnancy at/within 1-year of enrollment (n = 28) and never pregnant women by year 5 (n = 469).
Results: There was a trend for lower HbA1c (adjusted p = .14) and higher rates of overweight/obesity, triglyceride/HDL > 2, log (triglyercide/HDL), and hypertension among parous women compared with nulliparous women. There were no significant differences in rates of advanced nephropathy, albuminuria or cardiovascular disease.
Conclusions: Four-5 years after delivery, parous women with T1D tended to have lower HbA1c levels despite higher body mass indices and more frequent adverse lipid profiles and hypertension compared with nulliparous women. Further studies based on these trends are warranted.
Keywords: Type 1 diabetes mellitus; diabetes complications; humans; parity; pregnancy; risk factors.