A rich assemblage of various types of bromalites from the lower Carnian "Konservat-Lagerstätte" from the Reingraben Shales in Polzberg (Northern Calcareous Alps, Lower Austria) is described for the first time in detail. They comprise large regurgitalites consisting of numerous entire shells of ammonoid Austrotrachyceras or their fragments and rare teuthid arm hooks, and buccal cartilage of Phragmoteuthis. Small coprolites composed mainly of fish remains were also found. The size, shape and co-occurrence with vertebrate skeletal remains imply that regurgitalites were likely produced by large durophagous fish (most likely by cartilaginous fish Acrodus). Coprolites, in turn, were likely produced by medium-sized piscivorous actinopterygians. Our findings are consistent with other lines of evidence suggesting that durophagous predation has been intense during the Triassic and that the so-called Mesozoic marine revolution has already started in the early Mesozoic.