Objective: To examine the factor structure and sociodemographic correlates of a battery of clinical neuropsychological tests administered in-home and via telephone.
Method: Participants included 280 healthy adults who completed a 35-40 min battery consisting of seven auditory-verbal neuropsychological tests (i.e., 10 variables) that included digit span, list learning and memory, prospective memory, verbal fluency, and oral trail making.
Results: After removing oral trail making part A, a three-factor model comprised of executive functions, memory and attention demonstrated the best fit to the data. Nevertheless, the shared variance between the nine remaining neuropsychological variables was also adequately explained by a single-factor model and a two-factor model comprised of executive functions and memory. Factor scores were variably associated with education, race/ethnicity, and IQ, but not with sex or age.
Conclusions: Findings provide preliminary support for the feasibility and factor structure and sociodemographic correlates of a brief telephone-based screening neuropsychological battery comprised mostly of commonly administered clinical measures. Future studies are needed to determine the test-retest reliability, sensitivity, and ecological relevance of this battery, as well as equivalency to in-person assessment.
Keywords: Cognition; Factor analysis; Neuropsychological assessment; Psychometrics; Telehealth; Teleneuropsychology.
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