Few-Shot Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis with Metric-Based Meta Learning

Sensors (Basel). 2020 Nov 11;20(22):6437. doi: 10.3390/s20226437.


Fault diagnosis methods based on deep learning and big data have achieved good results on rotating machinery. However, the conventional deep learning method of bearing fault diagnosis is mostly based on laboratory artificial simulation data, and there is an error with actual fault data, which will reduce the generalization performance of the deep learning method. In addition, labeled data are very precious in real industrial environment. Due to expensive equipment and personnel safety issues, it is difficult to obtain a large amount of high-quality fault labeling data. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a metric-based meta-learning method named Reinforce Relation Network (RRN) for diagnosing bearing faults with few-shot samples. In the proposed method, a 1D convolution neural network is used to extract fault features, and a metric learner is used to predict the similarity between samples under different transfer conditions. Label smoothing and the Adabound algorithm are utilized to further improve the performance of network classification. The performance of the proposed method is verified on a dataset which contains artificial damage and natural damage data. The comparison studies with other methods demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in the few-shot scenario.

Keywords: bearing fault diagnosis; convolutional neural network; deep learning; few-shot learning; meta learning.

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