Which Aspects of Education Matter for Early Adult Mortality? Evidence from the High School and Beyond Cohort

Socius. 2020 Jan-Dec:6:10.1177/2378023120918082. doi: 10.1177/2378023120918082. Epub 2020 Apr 23.


What dimensions of education matter for people's chances of surviving young adulthood? Do cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills, course taking patterns, and school social contexts matter for young adult mortality, even net of educational attainment? We analyze data from High School & Beyond-a nationally representative cohort of ~25,000 high school students first interviewed in 1980. Many dimensions of education are associated with young adult mortality, and high school students' math course taking retain their associations with mortality net of educational attainment. Our work draws on theories and measures from sociological and educational research and enriches public health, economic, and demographic research on educational gradients in mortality that has almost exclusively relied on ideas of human capital accumulation and measures of degree attainment. Our findings also call on social and education researchers to engage together in research on the life-long consequences of educational processes, school structures, and inequalities in opportunities to learn.

Keywords: Cognitive Skills; Education; Mortality; Non-Cognitive Skills; Opportunity to Learn.