This review discusses the evidence supporting a role for ATP signaling (operated by P2X and P2Y receptors) and adenosine signaling (mainly operated by A1 and A2A receptors) in the crosstalk between neurons, astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocytes. An initial emphasis will be given to the cooperation between adenosine receptors to sharpen information salience encoding across synapses. The interplay between ATP and adenosine signaling in the communication between astrocytes and neurons will then be presented in context of the integrative properties of the astrocytic syncytium, allowing to implement heterosynaptic depression processes in neuronal networks. The process of microglia 'activation' and its control by astrocytes and neurons will then be analyzed under the perspective of an interplay between different P2 receptors and adenosine A2A receptors. In spite of these indications of a prominent role of purinergic signaling in the bidirectional communication between neurons and glia, its therapeutical exploitation still awaits obtaining an integrated view of the spatio-temporal action of ATP signaling and adenosine signaling, clearly distinguishing the involvement of both purinergic signaling systems in the regulation of physiological processes and in the control of pathogenic-like responses upon brain dysfunction or damage.
Keywords: ATP; Adenosine; Communication; Glial cells; Neurons.
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