By immunohistochemistry it was found that VIP- and peptide HI/peptide HM (PHI/PHM)-like immunoreactivity occurred in autonomic neurons in the human pancreas. Antisera against both VIP and PHI/PHM reacted with neuronal cells in local ganglia and these ganglia also contained PHI/PHM- and VIP-immunoreactive fibre plexuses. VIP- and PHI/PHM-positive fibres were also seen close to the Langerhans' islets. In addition, PHI/PHM- but not VIP-like immunoreactivity was observed in the endocrine cells often located in the periphery of the islets. The nature of these PHI/PHM-positive cells remains to be established. I.v. infusion of VIP at constant rates of 300 and 900 pmol/kg X h for 30 min in 6 healthy volunteers resulted in plateau values of 102 +/- 26 and 291 +/- 25 pM, respectively. These levels of VIP which are above those found in the circulation under physiological conditions stimulated secretion of insulin, C-peptide and pancreatic glucagon dose-dependently. On the contrary prolonged (60 min) infusion of PHM in doses resulting in plasma levels up to 1340 +/- 405 pM had no effect on pancreatic hormone secretion. These findings suggest that VIP is a likely neurotransmitter in the control of endocrine pancreatic secretion while PHM has a less prominent role, if any.