A multispectral fundus camera (MSFC), as a novel noninvasive technology, uses an extensive range of monochromatic light sources that enable the view of different sectional planes of the retinal and choroidal structures. However, MSFC imaging involves complex processes affected by various factors, and the recognized theory based on light absorption above the choroid is not sufficient. In an attempt to supplement the relevant explanations, in this study, we used optical coherence tomography (OCT), a three-dimensional tomography modality, to analyze MSFC results at the retina and choroid. The swept-source OCT system at 1060 nm wavelength with a 200 kHz A-scan rate and an MSFC with 11 bands at 470 to 845 nm are employed. A quantitative evaluation procedure is proposed to compare MSFC and OCT en face images. The comparative study shows that 1) the MSFC images with the illumination wavelength of less than 605 nm could mainly provide the retinal structure information; 2) Relative choroidal layer thickness information could be inferred from the MSFC images, especially the image acquiring under the wavelength more than 605 nm. According to the results, further investigation revealed the contribution of the perivascular tissue and the sclera scattering in the difference of vascular brightness in MSFC images.
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