The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is known to be a reservoir host of various vector-borne protozoan parasites. Yet, the impact of these parasitic infections on the health status of the red fox is unknown. In this study, we compared the prevalence of haemoprotozoa in juvenile and adult foxes from four regions in Poland. The abundance of questing adult Dermacentor reticulatus ticks was shown to differ between regions and include a tick-endemic and non-endemic region, as well as two zones in which D. reticulatus recently expanded: an eastern and a western zone. Spleen and kidney enlargement indices were compared between infected, co-infected and non-infected foxes to evaluate pathogenic output of parasitic infections. Blood samples were collected from 383 necropsied red foxes and 25 live-trapped red fox cubs. The weights of spleens, kidneys and bodies were recorded for each necropsied individual. Blood and spleen DNA samples were screened by PCR to detect 18S rRNA and cox1 gene fragments of Babesia spp., and 18S rRNA of Hepatozoon spp. Prevalence of infection and mean organ weight indices were compared in relation to fox age and sex, origin (zone) and infection status. Hepatozoon canis (174/381; 45.7%) and Babesia vulpes (117/381; 30.7%) were the dominant pathogens infecting adult foxes. Babesia canis DNA was detected in 9 (2.4%) individuals. Two fox cubs from Western Poland were infected with B. vulpes (2/14; 14%), while H. canis infection (16/25; 59%) was detected in cubs from all three regions where trapping was carried out. Infection with B. vulpes was associated with significantly higher weights of spleens and kidneys. Spleen weight/ body weight and mean kidney weight/ body weight indices were shown as relevant in evaluating changes occurring during infection with B. vulpes. Babesia and Hepatozoon spp. infections differed in red foxes from D. reticulatus-endemic, non-endemic and newly inhabited areas. The prevalence of B. canis in foxes from four regions of Poland reflects the prevalence recorded in questing adult D. reticulatus collected in these areas. This finding suggests a contribution of red foxes to the establishment of new foci of B. canis-infected D. reticulatus ticks in areas recently invaded by this tick species. Spleen and kidney enlargement was identified in foxes infected with B. vulpes, particularly in individuals co-infected with B. vulpes and H. canis.
Keywords: Babesia; Dermacentor reticulatus; Hepatozoon; Vulpes vulpes.
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