Nanometric probes based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) are promising candidates for all-optical environmental, biological and technological sensing applications with intrinsic quantitative molecular specificity. However, the effectiveness of SERS probes depends on a delicate trade-off between particle size, stability and brightness that has so far hindered their wide application in SERS imaging methodologies. In this Article, we introduce holographic Raman microscopy, which allows single-shot three-dimensional single-particle localization. We validate our approach by simultaneously performing Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy of individual SERS nanoparticles and Raman holography, using shearing interferometry to extract both the phase and the amplitude of wide-field Raman images and ultimately localize and track single SERS nanoparticles inside living cells in three dimensions. Our results represent a step towards multiplexed single-shot three-dimensional concentration mapping in many different scenarios, including live cell and tissue interrogation and complex anti-counterfeiting applications.