For the last decade, scientists have reported a loss of honeybee colonies. Multiple factors like parasites, pathogens and pesticides are dealt as possible drivers of honeybee losses. In particular, insecticides are considered as a major factor of pollinator poisoning. We applied sublethal concentrations of four insecticidal substances to honeybee larval food and analyzed the effects on transcriptome. The aim was to identify candidate genes indicating early negative impacts after application of insecticidal substances. Honeybee larvae were kept in-vitro under hive conditions (34-35 °C) and fed with dimethoate, fenoxycarb, chlorantraniliprole and flupyradifurone in sublethal concentrations between day 3-6 after grafting. Larvae at day 4, 6 and 8 were sampled and their transcriptome analyzed. By use of a RT-qPCR array differences in gene expression of selected gene families (immune system, development detoxification) were measured. Targets mainly involved in development, energy metabolism and the immune system were significantly affected by the insecticidal substances tested, selectively inducing genes of the detoxification system, immune response and nutritional stress.
Keywords: Apis mellifera; Insecticides; Larvae; Sublethal dose; Transcriptome.
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