Background: Electronic-learning (e-Learning) is a form of education that utilizes information and communications technology to access online teaching and learning. This study aims to evaluate the e-Learning experience among Jordanian academic ophthalmologists during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Material and methods: A cross-sectional survey was applied by using a questionnaire that was distributed among 23 academic ophthalmologists working at 6 medical schools in Jordan during the lockdown. The questionnaire included questions about the ophthalmologists' experience with e-Learning, advantages and disadvantages of e-Learning, interactions of medical students for the e-Learning and the expectations of e-Learning for the future.
Results: A total of 22 out of 23 academic ophthalmologists responded. Flexibility of e-Learning to time and place was a major advantage (95.5%), whereas lack of skills was the main obstacle for e-Learning (77.3%). Nineteen participants (86.4%) were not satisfied with e-Learning as the sole method for undergraduate teaching. To improve the original on-campus two-week ophthalmology course, 12 (54.5%) suggested integrating e-Learning into the curriculum, 3 (13.6%) preferred extending the period of training, and 7 (31.8%) reported that their tight schedule does not allow for more tasks.
Conclusion: The experience of e-Learning was positive. Most believed that e-Learning would have a prominent role in the future of medical education and proposed blended learning programs.
Keywords: COVID-19; E-Learning; Jordan; Ophthalmology; Undergraduate.
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