Direct Visualization of Ambipolar Mott Transition in Cuprate CuO_{2} Planes

Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Aug 14;125(7):077002. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.077002.


Identifying the essence of doped Mott insulators is one of the major outstanding problems in condensed matter physics and the key to understanding the high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates. We report real space visualization of Mott insulator-metal transition in Sr_{1-x}La_{x}CuO_{2+y} cuprate films that cover both the electron- and hole-doped regimes. Tunneling conductance measurements directly on the copper-oxide (CuO_{2}) planes reveal a systematic shift in the Fermi level, while the fundamental Mott-Hubbard band structure remains unchanged. This is further demonstrated by exploring the atomic-scale electronic response of CuO_{2} to substitutional dopants and intrinsic defects in a sister compound Sr_{0.92}Nd_{0.08}CuO_{2}. The results may be better explained in the framework of self-modulation doping, similar to that in semiconductor heterostructures, and form a basis for developing any microscopic theories for cuprate superconductivity.