Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) distribution is bounded to a subtropical area in Argentina, while Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) covers both temperate and subtropical regions. We assessed thermal and photoperiod conditions on dormancy status, development time and mortality for these species from subtropical Argentina. Short days (8 light : 16 dark) significantly increased larval development time for both species, an effect previously linked to diapause incidence. Aedes albopictus showed higher mortality than Ae. aegypti at 16 °C under long day treatments (16 light : 8 dark), which could indicate a lower tolerance to a sudden temperature decrease during the summer season. Aedes albopictus showed a slightly higher percentage of dormant eggs from females exposed to a short day, relative to previous research in Brazilian populations. Since we employed more hours of darkness, this could suggest a relationship between day-length and dormancy intensity. Interestingly, local Ae. aegypti presented dormancy similar to Ae. albopictus, in accordance with temperate populations. The minimum dormancy in Ae. albopictus would not be sufficient to extend its bounded distribution. We believe that these findings represent a novel contribution to current knowledge about the ecophysiology of Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti, two species with great epidemiological relevance in this subtropical region.
Keywords: adaptation; development; distribution; dormancy; mortality.
© 2020 The Royal Entomological Society.