Purpose: This study aimed to test the hypothesis that the elevation in internal body temperature during exercise in a hot environment is influenced by the combination of exercise intensity and BSA burned.
Methods: Ten healthy participants (8 males, 2 females; 32 ± 9 yr; 75.3 ± 11.7 kg) completed eight exercise trials on a cycle ergometer, each with different combinations of metabolic heat productions (low, 4 W·kg-1; moderate, 6 W·kg-1) and simulated BSA burn in a hot environmental chamber (39.9°C ± 0.3°C, 20.1% ± 1.5% RH). Burns were simulated by covering 0%, 20%, 40%, or 60% of participants' BSA with a highly absorbent, vapor-impermeable material. Gastrointestinal temperature (TGI) was recorded, with the primary analysis being the increase in TGI after 60 min of exercise.
Results: We identified an interaction effect for the increase in TGI (P < 0.01), suggesting TGI was influenced by both intensity and simulated burn BSA. Regardless of the percentage BSA burn simulated, the increase in TGI was similar across low-intensity trials (0.70°C ± 0.26°C, P > 0.11 for all). However, during moderate-intensity exercise, the increase in TGI was greater for the 60% (1.78°C ± 0.38°C, P < 0.01) and 40% BSA coverage trials (1.33°C ± 0.44°C, P = 0.04), relative to 0% (0.82°C ± 0.36°C). There were no differences in TGI responses between 0% and 20% trials.
Conclusion: These data suggest that exercise intensity influences the relationship between burn injury size and thermoregulatory responses in a hot environment.
Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine.