This study investigated the parallels in the influence of amino acid additives on thermal denaturation temperature (Td) and heat-set gelation of bovine serum albumin (BSA). Complete denaturation of BSA occurred only when the gelation temperature (TG) was 14 °C above Td. Under these conditions, the relative effects of various amino acid additives on elevation of Td and gel strength followed a particular order. Further, while zwitterionic amino acids increased both the strength of junction zones and participation of protein in the gel network, sucrose increased the gel strength primarily by strengthening the existing junction zone. The net increase in Td of BSA was linearly correlated with the net increase in gel strength (ΔGS), indicating that the underlying molecular mechanism in both cases might be same. The results suggest that the rheological properties of protein gels can be enhanced by using amino acids, instead of polyols and sugars, as additives.
Keywords: Bovine serum albumin; Effect of amino acids; Protein gelation; Thermal stability.
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