Objective: To identify a more popularized preparation protocol of leukocytes-rich platelet-rich plasma (L-PRP) for higher tolerance rate.
Methods: The peripheral blood samples of 76 volunteers (45.0 mL/case) were mixed with 5 mL sodium citrate injection for blood transfusion, and L-PRP was prepared by twice centrifugations. All blood samples were divided into three groups according to the parameters of twice centrifugation: experimental group A (12 cases, 400× g, 10 minutes for the first time and 1 100× g, 10 minutes for the second time), experimental group B (27 cases, 800× g, 10 minutes for the first time and 1 100× g, 10 minutes for the second time), and control group (37 cases, 1 360× g, 10 minutes for the first time and 1 360× g, 10 minutes for the second time). The platelet recovery rate and platelet and leukocyte enrichment coefficient of L-PRP in each group were calculated and compared.
Results: After removal of abnormal blood samples (platelet recovery rate was more than 100% or white thrombus), the remaining 55 cases were included in the statistical analysis, including 10 cases in experimental group A, 21 cases in experimental group B, and 24 cases in control group. The platelet enrichment coefficient and platelet recovery rate of experimental group B were significantly higher than those of experimental group A and control group ( P<0.05); there was no significant difference between experimental group A and control group ( P>0.05). There was no significant difference in leukocyte enrichment coefficient between experimental groups A, B, and control group ( P>0.05).
Conclusion: The preparation quality of PRP is affected by various factors, including centrifugal force, centrifugal time, temperature, and operation process, etc. Twice centrifugation (800× g, 10 minutes for the first time and 1 100× g, 10 minutes for the second time) is an ideal and feasible centrifugation scheme, which can obtain satisfactory platelet recovery rate and enrichment coefficient with thicker buffy coat, which can reduce the fine operation requirements for operators, improve the fault tolerance rate and generalization.
目的: 优化富白细胞富血小板血浆(leukocytes-rich platelet-rich plasma,L-PRP)的离心方案,提高容错率及其制备方法的可推广性。.
方法: 取 76 例志愿者外周血样(45.0 mL/例),并与 5 mL 输血用枸橼酸钠注射液混匀,均采用两次离心法制备 L-PRP。根据两次离心法参数不同将所有血样分为 3 组:实验组 A(12 例,400× g、10 min,1 100× g、10 min)、实验组 B(27 例,800× g、10 min,1 100× g、10 min)及对照组(37 例,1 360× g、10 min,1 360× g、10 min)。计算并比较 3 组离心方案的 L-PRP 血小板富集系数及回收率和白细胞富集系数。.
结果: 剔除异常血样(血小板回收率高于 100% 或出现白色血栓)后,剩余 55 例纳入统计分析,其中实验组 A 10 例,实验组 B 21 例,对照组 24 例。实验组 B 血小板富集系数和血小板回收率显著高于实验组 A 和对照组,差异有统计学意义( P<0.05);实验组 A 和对照组间比较差异无统计学意义( P>0.05)。实验组 A、B 和对照组的白细胞富集系数差异无统计学意义( P>0.05)。.
结论: PRP 的制备质量受多种因素影响,包括离心力、离心时间、温度和操作过程等。两次离心法(800× g、10 min,1 100× g、10 min)是一种较为理想且可行的离心方案,可获得较为满意的血小板回收率和富集系数,且白膜层较厚,可降低对操作者的精细化操作要求,提高容错率及可推广性。.
Keywords: Leukocytes-platelet-rich plasma; generalization; high tolerance rate; optimization; preparation.